Google Logo Changes
Have you noticed how Google changes its logo for happening events or the anniversary of famous people's birthdays? The logo is a link to sites about the event or person characterized in the graphic. If you click on this one, you will get a list of links to everything there is to learn about the Olympics in Torino, Italy. It's a nifty idea and one of the reasons Google is so useful and popular. Wouldn't it be nice to create logos related to classroom topics so students could click on them and be taken directly to a list of reliable, authoritative resources to choose from while studying that topic? This method would also help with plagiarism control. Hum....
New Titles Added to Book Collection
We recently added some new titles to our book collection that will be great for term papers this semester. Here’s a sampling.
Bullying: Implications for the Classroom by Cheryl E. Sanders and Gary D. Phye
Incidents where children have either perpetrated or been the victims of violence in schools have been increasing. The tenor of bullying has changed from extorting lunch money from one’s peers to slander, sexual harassment, and violence. What’s happening and what can schools do to stop this trend?
The Price of Smoking by Frank A Sloan, Jan Ostermann, Gabriel Picone, Christopher Conover & Donald H. Taylor, Jr.
This study quantifies the cost of smoking to society over a lifetime for men and women, including private costs to the smoker and costs imposed on others including second hand smoke and costs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Is this how we want to spend our shrinking government dollars?
The Other Parent: the Inside Story of the Media’s Effect on Our Children by James P. Steyer
Children are spending more and more time playing video games, watching TV, and going online to chat and blog. Where’s the human interaction? See how the media has become “the other parent.”
Democratizing Innovation by Eric von Hipple
People aided by improvements in technology can develop their own new products and share them freely with others in an emerging system of user-centered innovation.
The Death of Innocents: an Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions by Sister Helen Prejean
In Dead Man Walking Sister Prejean challenged the way we look at the death penalty in America. In this new book, she asks “What if we’re killing the wrong man?”
Big Cotton: How a Humble Fiber Created Fortunes, Wrecked Civilizations, and Put America on the Map by Stephen Yafa
We know this history, but Yafa has made it even more interesting. This book is a nice companion non fiction book to Richard Russo’s fiction book, Empire Falls.
News Incorporated: Corporate Media Ownership and its Threat to Democracy, edited by Elliot D. Cohen
Serious issues are debated here about who delivers our news, new forms of censorship, the effect of the loss of independent investigative reporting and potential loss of free access to information on the Internet.