Thursday, November 03, 2005

Here's a challenge for you -- write a 50,000 word novel in November.
Check out the details at and start writing!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Free Books

Please help yourself to the books on the bookcarts and table, both fiction and nonfiction, near the circulation desk in the library. We would like to clear the library of these books by Thanksgiving break which begins November 24th.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Oxford English Dictionary Changes

The Oxford English Dictionary Online has been updated in both web page design and content. "Find out the latest definitions and quotations for everything from Peorian, Pen-pushing to Pep-Talking, Peanut-Headed Pequi." (

Look at the quizzes in the new Learning Resources section ( and read the Nachos word story.

Add OED Online to your browser so you can look up words in OED Online directly from other websites. ( )

The Oxford English Dictionary Online can be found on the library web page at and via Entrata for home access.