Thursday, December 08, 2005

Family Disaster Prepardness for the Holidays

The Tallahassee Florida Capitol Area Red Cross Chapter has prepared a "Twelve Days of Christmas" list of suggestions "for stocking stuffers and Christmas gifts designed to make individuals, families and the homes they live in as safe as possible." See their suggestions at

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

TechTrends:Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning

The OCC library subscribes to TechTrends, a publication with information about how to teach online. The articles are carefully crafted, well researched, and contain practical advice by seasoned professionals. Two recent articles of interest are:

CuCharme-Hansen, Barbara A., and Pamela A. Dupin-Bryant. "Distance Education Plans:
Course Planning for Online Adult Learners." TechTrends March/April 2005: 31-39.
(There is an actual plan for freshmen English in this article.)

Li, Qing, and Melina Akins. "Sixteen Myths about Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education." TechTrends July/August 2005: 51-60.

The focus of the May/June 2005 issue is on emerging technologies and learning environment design and contains articles about visual literacy, how to get ready for the gamer generation, how gaming redefines interactivity for learning and more.