If you haven't joined a book club through our new DearReader.com service, you may want to join this week. The Business Club selection is about Doris Christopher and how she began The Pampered Chef in her basement 25 years ago. Here is a clip from the description of the book:
The Pampered Chef is the story of the vision, energy, hard work, and chutzpah that drove Christopher and her company to the height of success. She describes her early days as a "one-woman show," chronicles the company's gradual expansion, its challenges and growing popularity, and the process, offers invaluable advice and sound strategies on how to found and grow a business, including:
* Hard learned lessons for start-up entrepreneurs
* How to create a business concept and set your priorities
* Knowing when to expand and when to slow growth so that demand doesn't overwhelm your operations or supplies
* How to counter the naysayers and deal with adversity